Friday, December 9, 2011
Thursday, December 8th
LUNCH FOR A BUNCH: Congrats to the Wicomico County BOE Food Services Dept. on winning lunch from Uno Chicago Grill in Fruitland!
Friday, November 11, 2011
Thursday, November 10
LUNCH FOR A BUNCH: Congratulations to the staff at the Maryland Food Bank! They've won an awesome lunch from Georgia House in Salisbury!
Thursday, October 27, 2011
Thursday, October 27
LUNCH FOR A BUNCH: Congratulations to Atlantic Orthopaedics in Berlin on winning lunch from DQ Grill & Chill!
(Is your office signed up for our contest?)
Friday, October 7, 2011
Thursday, October 6
LUNCH FOR A BUNCH: Congratulations to Mama Della's Pizza & Subs in Ocean Pines on winning lunch from Georgia House in Salisbury! Enjoy!
Friday, September 16, 2011
Thursday, September 15, 2011
Thursday, September 15
Over the past year, I have had a blast hanging out with you on Joy! 102.5. You’ve been great- with your feedback, comments and encouragement. I am sad to share that today is my last day with Joy! 102.5. I will still continue to write for The Manna publication, but my life commitments are such that it’s not possible for me to stay on here at Joy 102.5. But you’re going to be in good hands. You remember Corey Franklin who was here a couple of years back...he’s going to be taking things from here on "Midday Joy." It will be great to find out what's new in his life. Thank you again for the opportunity to be with you!
*Please note: There will be no "Lunch for a Bunch" winner today. Contest will resume next week.
Friday, September 9, 2011
Friday, September 9
Teens may think websites that mom and dad say are safe are lame and comes Crazy cartoons, videos, stunts, and even tough topics--all from a Christian perspective. Dave and Jon look way cooler than parents (and at the same time they reinforce the messages we're trying instill at home). Only thing you may still have trouble with is getting them to eat their peas!
Thursday, September 8
LUNCH FOR A BUNCH: Congratulations to The Centre at Salisbury's Management Office on winning an awesome lunch from Georgia House!
Thursday, September 1, 2011
Thursday, September 1
LUNCH FOR A BUNCH: Congratulations to Father & Son's in Salisbury on winning lunch from Uno Chicago Grill in Fruitland! Way to go!
Thursday, August 25, 2011
Thursday, August 25
LUNCH FOR A BUNCH: Congratulations to the staff at Piedmont Airlines in Salisbury! Enjoy your lunch from DQ Grill & Chill!
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
Tuesday, August 23
5 Ways to Simplify School Day Mornings
The alarm clock is buzzing, and everyone is stumbling blindly into the hallway. It's the first day of school, guys! If your house becomes a chaotic place in the hours before everyone leaves for work, school, and any other stops along the way, you need a new method to your family madness.
Rather than hire a personal assistant for everyone in your household, take control of the daily goings-on between your walls. There are a few simple but very effective ways to simplify your morning routine. Avoid the early a.m. meltdowns, and give your kids a great start to their day by making these five changes:
1. Pack the Night Before
Just like you would for a flight, make sure the backpack and lunch box are ready to go before everyone gets into bed. Grab and go makes it unbelievably easy in the a.m. and eliminates the big scramble.
2. Healthy & Quick Breakfast
Have at least three go-to fast, easy, and healthy breakfast recipes on hand, with all the ingredients you need fully stocked. Three suggestions: Steel cut oatmeal, salsa baked eggs, fruit-filled yogurt & granola.
3. Get a Bathroom Routine
If mom showers first, kid #1 second, dad third, and the other one takes a bath the night before -- keep this schedule every single day. That way everyone gets into a groove and knows how much time they have before they can claim the bathroom and/or breakfast table.
4. Streamline the Commute
You may love hanging out with the kindergarten moms, and he may prefer to pick up every Thursday. But no matter who usually takes whom, map out the work and school routes and see if maybe you've been creating more drive time for yourselves by ignoring an easy commuting solution.
5. Family Board
Whether it's chalk, erasable marker, or a giant note pad, create a central writing space that everyone must consult before going to bed. This is where you'll write down any appointments, school supplies needed, or permission slip reminders for the next day. Use it, write it, read it, and don't feel the last-minute panic ever again. (
Monday, August 22, 2011
Monday, August 22
-This time of year we try to fit in all sorts of appointments. I went to the doctor and discovered I had read every publication there cover to cover--including one coined WebMD: The Waiting Room Publication! Yikes! If you're fitting in physicals and dentist appointments with your kids, I feel for you!
-VW Beetle is getting a remake as it tries to overcome its reputation as a "girl car" (I guess those red ladybug cars with the black dots would do that for you!) Anyway, we should see a new sleeker, upscale model for 2012.
Thursday, August 18, 2011
Thursday, August 18
-The 1980s classic film Back to the Future depicts a future with flying cars and "skyways." So when you were a kid thinking about the year "2011," what did you think we'd be doing by now that we do not have the capability to do? (By the way, the internet is way cooler than anything I did come up with when I was a kid, but I did hope we'd have flying cars!!)
-On January 1, 2011, it was announced that Nicole C. Mullen was being inducted into the Christian Music Hall of Fame. She will be formally inducted on November 5, 2011.
"Lunch for a Bunch" contest resumes next week!
Tuesday, August 16, 2011
Tuesday, August 16
Just a notice to everyone that we won't be giving away lunch during Thursday's Midday Joy. We'll resume the contest next week, so stay tuned!
Not registered in our drawing? You can do so here.
Monday, August 15, 2011
Monday, August 15
Men's Health asked men, "What scares you most about aging?"
Feeling old physically, 32%
Declining in mental health, 15%
Outliving savings, 12%
Nothing, 11%
Closer to death, 10%
Losing looks, 8% (This one most definitely would be higher if they had asked women!)
Seeing my loved ones go before me, 8%
So, what about aging scares you?
Thursday, August 11
LUNCH FOR A BUNCH: Congratulations to the staff at Chico's in Salisbury on winning lunch from the new Georgia House!
Wednesday, August 10, 2011
Wednesday, August 10
August 8-14 is Romance Your Spouse Week. I was excited to find this list because my husband Andrew and I are celebrating our 15th Anniversary today (and yes, there are some things here I need to work on!). Here are a few ideas to try today from the book Living Romantically Every Day:
Make a list -- Make a list of the special days on the calendar that you celebrate together, such as the day you met, your yearly anniversary, or even the anniversary of your first kiss.
Reach out and touch her -- Use the power of touch to make a lasting impression throughout the day.
Create a photo album -- Take pictures often; don't save the camera for holidays and special occasions. Create a visual scrapbook of your everyday life together.
Take note of significant things -- Set something aside for her every day. It might be a newspaper article you read during your commute, a link to a web site you came across, or even a story you heard by the office water cooler.
Be thoughtful -- Do something thoughtful for her every day. Whether it's making her a cup of coffee in the morning, sticking a surprise note in her bag, or leaving her a chocolate "kiss" on her pillow before bedtime.
Keep up your appearance -- Let her see you at your best. It's ironic that we dress up to meet total strangers but let ourselves go around our nearest and dearest. Most women love to see their men clean-shaven, in great clothes and perhaps wearing a hint of her favorite cologne.
Tell her about your moods -- Be honest if you are feeling stressed or under the weather. Your woman will appreciate your honesty and will know not to take it personally when you come home in a bad mood.
Discuss your day -- Sit down together when you get home and relate your daily experiences. The best thing about spending time apart is that it makes you appreciate each other more.
Friday, August 5, 2011
Friday, August 5
You may be in the process of back-to-school shopping, but save some of it for Tax-Free Week in Maryland (August 14-20). While many states may have a tax-free weekend, this full week is a great time to stock up on clothing for the kids--and yourself!
One trend I've noticed is school uniform prices are actually going up, so be sure to check that items are a real deal before filling the cart to the top! I love shopping consignment shops tax-free--now that's a bargain!
Thursday, August 4
LUNCH FOR A BUNCH: Congratulations to the Worcester County Assessments & Taxation Office in Snow Hill on winning lunch from Uno Chicago Grill!
Monday, August 1, 2011
Monday, August 16
What to do with the kids when it's 100 degrees:
If you have a trampoline and a sprinkler, put the sprinkler under it and jump with the water on.
Take a video of yourself outside with a thermometer and record your thoughts. You can say that you were there in the Heat Wave of '11.
Do the experiment: See if it is actually hot enough to fry an egg on the sidewalk. Need melted chocolate (let’s say to dip those strawberries)? Trying putting it in a bowl and sticking it in your car to see if your chocolate will melt.
Friday, July 29, 2011
Friday, July 29
Those creases around your eyes (the ones you've tried to cream and serum away) may actually mean you're healthy and happy!
How deep are the creases around your eyes? Assuming those creases are caused by smiling, the deeper they are, the more likely you are to live a long life, according to research from Wayne State University in Detroit. The team studied 230 photographs of major league baseball players, all of whom started playing before 1950. The photos, which were taken from the 1952 Baseball Register, were grouped according to the type of smile:
No smile: A deadpan look. (63 players)
Partial smile: Only the muscles around the mouth were grinning. (64 players)
Full smile: Both the mouth and the eyes were smiling and the cheeks were raised. (23 players)
Since the Baseball Register also contains each player's year of birth, body mass index, marital status and career length, all of which reflect physical fitness, the researchers were able to control for other factors that could affect lifespan. Of the players who had died as of 2009, those who were in the no-smile category lived, on average, 72.9 years, while those with partial smiles lived, on average, to 75. But the full-smile players lived much longer, to an average age of 79.9. (Wayne State University Research)
Thursday, July 28, 2011
Thursday, July 28
LUNCH FOR A BUNCH: Three cheers for the staff at Perdue Corporate in Salisbury! They've just won a free lunch from our friends at DQ Grill & Chill...yum!
You can win big for your office, too. Here's how.
Monday, July 25, 2011
Monday, July 25
Today we're celebrating Christmas in July!
Congratulations to Tammy in Princess Anne on being the first caller after hearing a holiday tune today on Midday Joy. She won Phil Wickham's ENTIRE CD library, including his Christmas album! Thanks for playing along, Tammy, and hope you enjoy all the great music...
Thursday, July 21, 2011
Thursday, July 21
We will not have a "Lunch for a Bunch" drawing today. Please tune in next Thursday at 12:05pm when our weekly contest resumes...
Not signed up? Fill out the form here.
Friday, July 15, 2011
Thursday, July 14th
LUNCH FOR A BUNCH: Congratulations to the staff at First Shore Federal in Fruitland! Enjoy your lunch from Uno Chicago Grill...
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
Tuesday, July 12th
Ever struggle to verbalize what the Gospel is? Maybe you've heard so many explanations of the Gospel you don't know which one is truly biblical. Here is a great resource. And coming from someone who doesn't finish books, I can tell you this one is very manageable!
Thursday, June 30, 2011
Thursday, June 30
Feeling like fireworks all weekend long (like hitting them Saturday, Sunday and Monday?!) You can certainly do that in Delmarva. Check out the complete listing of fireworks dates, times and locations.
Thursday, June 23, 2011
Thursday, June 23
LUNCH FOR A BUNCH: Congratulations to PNC Bank on Snow Hill Road in Salisbury! They're the winners of a free lunch from Adam's Ribs in Fruitland! Enjoy!
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
Tuesday, June 21
Want to enjoy some homemade ice cream, but don't like the hassle?! Here is a way to make ice cream in a bag (actually two bags.) Check it out! It only takes about five minutes.
Thursday, June 16, 2011
Thursday, June 16
Life is stressful! We have access to the Prince of Peace, as followers of Jesus. Here are some scriptures and statements to focus on when life is too much. May want to keep this as a reference in the glove box, in your desk at that office, or tape it to the window above the sink in the kitchen.
LUNCH FOR A BUNCH: Congratulations to Hartley Hall Nursing & Rehabilitation Center in Pocomoke! Enjoy your lunch from Uno Chicago Grill in Fruitland!
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
Tuesday, June 14
Top Father's Day gifts under $150
1. Uniform Grill Cover (This is like covering your grill in a giant jersey)
2. Bluetooth iPad 2 Keyboard
3. Water Resistant Indoor/Outdoor Speakers
4. The Shrub Sculptor (Think topiary creator or Bonsai master!)
If you'd like to check out great gifts by your dad's "style," click on any number of types including "Fix-it-Dad," "Gadget Dad," or "Traveler Dad" at I would highly recommend you go with overnight shipping!
Monday, June 13, 2011
Monday, June 13
*According to a survey by eHarmony and Harris Interactive of those aged 20 to 54, the happiest time in a marriage is 11 months and eight days after their wedding.
All I can say is, Wow! Those people have good memories! I can't even remember whether or not I put shredded cheese on my grocery list! What makes you happy about your marriage right now?
*Going with bangs for your summer haircut? Here's what that says about your personality: "You're conscientious about your diet, and although you're not in the gym every day, you take daily walks to stay in shape. You always know what's in style and your friends take their cues from you when it comes to fashion." (Courtesy of Mike McVay Media)
*Thinking a salad for lunch? Buy a bag! Assuming your office has a kitchen, it is cheaper to run to the grocery store than the drive thru. Need an idea? How about baby spinach and lite poppyseed dressing ... you can build on this but this is all you need. Nice additions are dried fruit, boiled eggs, or cheese crumbles.
Thursday, June 9, 2011
Thursday, June 9
LUNCH FOR A BUNCH: Congratulations to the staff at the University of Maryland Eastern Shore Motor Pool on winning lunch from Saladworks in Salisbury!
Do YOU want to be the office hero and score free food for your co-workers? It's easy to enter our "Lunch for a Bunch" contest! Simply fill out the form here.
Wednesday, June 8, 2011
Wednesday, June 8
Thinking about homeschooling the kids this fall? Here are a couple of resources to help you make that decision and support you in that venture:
Mom and homeschool veteran Mari Fitz-Wynn shares her advice and more links at
Wondering about the legal implications of homeschooling? Perhaps you don't know if you are capable of homeschooling your special needs child. Check out lots of user-friendly information here at the website for the Home School Legal Defense Association.
*Want to purchase a gift for dad he will actually use?! Here are a few ideas under $50. (I must admit, I thought the "manified" lotions and book about how to grow and trim a moustache was a bit of a stretch, but you'll have to decide for yourself.)
Tuesday, June 7, 2011
Tuesday, June 7
All of the following are actual official state flowers except for one:
Pine Cone (Maine)
Sunflower (Kansas)
Sagebrush (Nevada)
Mistletoe (Oklahoma)
Think you have The X Factor? Simon Cowell, Paula Abdul and the team behind Fox's new competition series have opened up the audition round online, the network announced Thursday. For one week only, from June 2-9, aspiring singers and vocal groups ages 12 and up can upload a two-minute audition tape to for a chance to earn a shot at the show's $5 million recording contract prize. "I'm really happy we are launching auditions through YouTube," series creator and judge Cowell tells Us Weekly in a statement. "There is a lot of great talent online now, and especially young kids today are using YouTube to get themselves seen and heard. It's very easy, and it is $5 million after all! I'm very excited to see the auditions that might come through this." In order to be considered, users must upload a two-minute a cappella performance that includes a 30-second introduction and explanation as to why the entrant has "The X Factor." A select group of singers will have the chance to sing for the judges, including Cowell, Abdul, L.A. Reid and Nicole Scherzinger, at a later date. The X Factor premieres in September. (US Weekly)
Q: What is the website you have to visit every day? (Maybe even multiple times a day!)
(Information courtesy of McVay Media)
Wednesday, June 1, 2011
Wednesday, June 1
So, what temperature should your home thermostat be set at during the heat of the summer? Some say 79 while you are at home and 85 while you are away. Here is an energy blog with more year-round ideas...
Tuesday, May 31, 2011
Tuesday, May 31
Help your kids make the most of summer!
One of the biggest challenges a parent has during the summer is making peace with electronics! Since the American Academy of Pediatrics tell us that we should only spend two hours entertained by a screen (TV, cell phone games, computer, etc.) that leaves a lot of daytime to fill. Check out this article from Good Housekeeping for some great ideas!
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
Wednesday, May 18
Spring and Summer are such fun, but a real pain when it comes to figuring out what to wear! Sure t-shirts and shorts are everywhere, but what can a woman wear to dress her age and in a modest fashion? Here are a few thoughts to get you started:
*Try long shorts- those that come just above the knee in classy materials such as linen
*Wear sleeveless tops with blousy-sleeved jackets (which flatter any arms)
*If it's not unbearably hot, short-sleeved sweaters are always in fashion
*Wear comfortable capris with strappy, heeled sandals
What not to wear: Multiple layers of tank tops, short shorts, and t-shirts that are too short to be tucked in. (Actually, these items don't really flatter any woman, regardless of age!)
Kids getting ready for end of the year tests? Here are a few things you can do as a parent to help them out:
*Make sure that the kids are on their normal sleep schedule
*Serve healthy "brain food!"
*Review test skills over the course of several days, not all at once, to lessen anxiety
Monday, May 16, 2011
Monday, May 16
On today's show, I talked about throwing a graduation party on a budget. Here are a few ideas from
-Once you have your time, date, and guest list, you will need to send out graduation invitations. This could be your biggest money saver when throwing a graduation party on a budget. If most of the guests are technologically inclined, you can use a website like, or create an event on Facebook. The best things about using these websites is that they are free, they will keep track of RSVPs, and they are easy to create. For the less technologically minded guests, you could send traditional invitations. Go to a place like Target or Wal-Mart. You don't have to spend a lot of money on invitations that will eventually wind up in the trash.
-Another way to save when throwing a graduation party on budget is to be smart when buying party supplies. Take pictures of your graduate from birth to graduation and place them all around the party site. People will have much more fun looking at the photographs than anything else. Don't spend a lot of money on special graduation cups, napkins, and plates. Instead, buy plain supplies in the graduate's school colors. The same goes for any balloons or streamers.
-You can easily throw your graduation party on a budget and sill have plenty to eat. Try to have your party at an hour where guests won't be expecting a lunch or dinner. Have little snack foods that you can buy in bulk from a place like Sam's or Costco. Instead of a big expensive cake, think about having cupcakes frosted in the school's colors. If you plan to have carbonated beverages, buy the generic, or, better yet, don't serve sodas at all. Try homemade tea or punch which can be cheaper.
Friday, May 13, 2011
Friday, May 13
There has been so much talk about the Rapture happening on May 21st. Across the nation, billboard signs, pamphlets, and news articles have caused people to question, "Can we really know when Jesus will return?"
The best thing we can do as followers of Jesus Christ is to look at Scripture and do research on the people and organizations associated with this assertion. Here are some resources I have found helpful:
Friday, May 6, 2011
Friday, May 6
What are kids able to do around the house? Our elemenatry-aged children may be more capable than we give them credit! Check out this chore chart to see what your child may be able to do to help you out this weekend...
Thursday, May 5, 2011
Thursday, May 5
*Here's something to get you thinking! Fill in the blank: "I remember life before..."
Add your response here on the Midday Joy Blog!
Wednesday, May 4, 2011
Tuesday, May 3
We usually budget for the holidays, but summer can sneak up on us and break the bank as well.
Five of the biggest spending blunders:
*Spending money on overpriced outdoor sporting equipment
*Traveling to and attending wedding and graduations
*Major League Baseball games (It's just as "American" to go out to the 'ol [high school] ballgame!)
*Using a credit card on vacation
Monday, May 2

Struggling with where God is in the midst of so many disasters--tornadoes, earthquakes, wars, and financial worries? I read a wonderful (and very challenging) book on this subject. It's Jerry Bridges' book called Trusting God. I was challenged to remember that God is always trustworthy and I must have a heart that is willing to trust.
*Who would've thought... Coffee grounds are good for the soil! Combine coffee grounds, manure (Ewww!) and rotten hay for a lovely lawn. (Actually, your lawn may look nicer because NO ONE would want to get anywhere near the smell of it!)
Thursday, April 28, 2011
Thursday, April 28
Rebecca St. James got married this past week in San Diego, CA. It brings me such joy to see her find the love of her life, after her long time stand for purity. She is a great example and role model. Check out her wedding pictures here.
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
Wednesday, April 27
The medical community is now saying that too much screen time is bad for our children's hearts and eyes. If you are looking for activities away from the computer, TV, and even phone--check out this list of "101 Screen-Free Activities."
*Our family has been TV-free since we got married 15 years ago, with a few notable exceptions (we often borrow a TV at the holidays and during the Olympics). I feel that being without a TV has been a good choice for our family, and yet even without TV we are a very media-centered (dependent) family. We have an extensive DVD collection and the kids love their computer games. My husband is an IT professional and I am in media, so being on "plugged in" is very much a part of our lives. I found the above "Screen-Free list" a good reminder of the number of things I used to do--and would like to do again.
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
Tuesday, April 26
My five-year-old, Micah, displayed some interest this morning in how Mommy puts in her contacts. I let him touch one and then I put my first one in while he watched.
Me: "Look at how you can see the circle in this eye, Micah."
Micah: "Did you put those 'cracks' in there too?"
(Okay, maybe my eyes look like I need a little more sleep!)
Monday, April 25, 2011
Monday, April 25
What does meditation look like for a Christian? Should Christians even practice meditation?
Here are some thoughts from the margins of the best-selling Quest Study Bible:
"Meditation is a combination of reviewing, repeating, reflecting, thinking, analyzing, feeling, and even enjoying. It is a physical, intellectual and emotional activity—it involves our whole being.
In some ways, meditation doesn't easily fit into Western culture. We value action and busyness more than stopping and considering. The author of this psalm was from another time and culture, one with a tradition that valued meditation. As a result, meditation came more naturally for him and others with his Middle Eastern background. We have to overcome some cultural obstacles to learn to meditate.
There are many ways to meditate on God's Word. Some possibilities include: (1) Take time to read a verse or passage over and over. (2) Begin to memorize all or part of it. (3) Listen—quiet your heart to allow the Holy Spirit to speak to you though God's Word. (4) Consider how it fits with the rest of the Bible and life in general. (5) Become emotionally involved—allow yourself to feel what God feels, his desires expressed through his words. (6) Move from meditation to application—connect your thoughts to action. Consider how the truth and power of the Word of God should affect your behavior."
A sample from the best-selling Quest Study Bible. Copyright Zondervan Publishing House. All rights reserved.
Friday, April 22, 2011
Friday, April 22
Making peace with your's how:
1. Avoid eye strain--invest in a lamp if you need to
2. Do carpal tunnel exercises
3. Get an organizer for that desk drawer (even a silverware drawer works in a pinch!)
4. Use a toothbrush to clean between computer keys
Source: Ben Franklin's Almanac
1. Avoid eye strain--invest in a lamp if you need to
2. Do carpal tunnel exercises
3. Get an organizer for that desk drawer (even a silverware drawer works in a pinch!)
4. Use a toothbrush to clean between computer keys
Source: Ben Franklin's Almanac
Thursday, April 21, 2011
Thursday, April 21
New clothes, Easter eggs, and beautiful Easter lilies... they are each a part of our Easter celebration, but why? (Personally, I'm all about that new clothes thing- great idea!!!)
*Easter is a time for new clothes as a symbol to indicate new life in Christ
*The Easter egg represents the tomb from which Jesus broke forth
*Easter lilies are actually from Bermuda and have only been in American for about 100 years. They are a symbol of purity because of their beautiful white color- and it doesn't hurt that they just happen to bloom this time of year!
Monday, April 11, 2011
Monday, April 11
Friday, April 8, 2011
Friday, April 8
Did you know that nasal drops and sprays can be addictive?
Allergy nurse Bonnie Dooley, RN, of Eastern VA Ear, Nose and Throat says many of the over-the-counter sprays create "rebound swelling" and even worse congestion when they are used beyond the recommended dosage.
What's recommended? --No more than three consecutive days!
Alternatives: saline solution or steroid sprays by prescription.
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
Tuesday, March 22
Okay, let's be honest... We did pretty well with that diet and exercise thing right after the New Year, but it's difficult to keep up. Here are some tips on how to start back down the right path.
Thursday, March 17, 2011
Friday, March 18
Here are links to organizations that are on the ground helping with the physical and spiritual needs in Japan:
Living without Caffeine "Midday Joy Fog Blog" Update
Interestingly enough, it took me about four days to permanently get rid of my "I'm-missing-my-Joe-really-bad!" headache. I have also noticed that I've been struggling with stomach pain since I've been without my caffeine. I don't know what that one means exactly! Went to get my oil changed yesterday and nearly grabbed a cup of complementary coffee--oops! Instead, I ran over to a gas station and purchased a very unique, tasty mango juice from Mexico. It's supposed to be very good for you--and helps relieve stomach pain. Great two-for-one!
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
Tuesday, March 15
Ideas from mom and writer Vicki Lansky about how we can remember things:
*Always lock your car from the outside with your keys- that way you'll never lock your keys in the car
*Place a hook (cup hook or one of those Command hooks) next to the door for your keys
*Call your voicemail to add to your "to-do" list while you're out of the house. (Bonus: You can't misplace your to-do list if it's in your phone!)
*Lose phone numbers, addresses and email address? Learn how to use your cell phone! Get out the manual and see the features it has that can store this information.
(Also, simply go to and forget about keeping all that information! There is even a place there to keep addresses for those Christmas cards!)
Monday, March 14, 2011
Monday, March 14
When disaster strikes, people tend to have one of two responses toward God--they are either drawn to Him or they become bitter toward Him. This is a crucial time for believers in Jesus Christ to pray for revival in our world as people are reeling from the tragedy in Japan and along the West Coast. Here is an informative website with information on praying for revival.
Thursday, March 10, 2011
Thursday, March 10
A new inspirational major motion picture is hitting theaters soon--Soul Surfer--the story of surfer Bethany Hamilton. Bethany, as you may remember, was the sufer who lost her arm in a tragic shark attack and has continued to inspire others with her faith and courage. Watch for it April 8th.
Speaking of courage...the trailer for "Couraegous" (the latest from Sherwood Pictures) has just been released. Check it out here!
LUNCH FOR A BUNCH: Congratulations to the staff at Delmar Elementary School--hope you enjoy your free lunch from Heroes Famous Grille in Salisbury!
Wednesday, March 9
Caffeine-Free Midday (Fog) Blog
"Passionate (Bieber) Worship"
On Saturday afternoon, I took Lindsey and a friend to the roller rink to celebrate her 12th birthday. While we were there, I noticed a group of girls there for an all-girl 7th birthday party. The mom came in with a Justin Beiber hoodie--even dad was wearing (I'm sure kicking and screaming!) a t-shirt with the name "Justin Beiber" ironed on in navy blue. The presents and party favors had the face of Justin on them- before the haircut- I should note! To top it off they had a 5 ft. tall cut-out of Justin over the in corner where all the girls could pose for a photo. When the song "Baby" came on there was a scream in unison of 10 little seven-year-olds skating as fast as they could back out onto the floor. No one had to encourage them to sing along to their favorite song- they did it naturally. Wherever Justin's image was- they wanted to be. They were worshipping- wholeheartedly and passionately. Although their worship was misplaced, I think they have something to teach us.
When we are passionate about something we don't complain about our schedules, our lack of sleep, or how we can't fit it in. We can't help talking about it and couldn't imagine NOT fitting it in. (Think about March Madness and our favorite teams- lack of sleep is part of the badge of honor which shows how big of a fan you are.) If we are really consumed with Christ we are going to move heaven and earth to get our photo taken with His cut-out or sing His song (so to speak.) The more I think about this, our schedules are not our issue- it is misplaced passion or more simply put- idolatry. How would you fill in these blanks: "I will be happy when ____________. OR I could be happy if ___________ would happen." There is a good chance whatever is in those blanks is an idol.
The Lord is showing me caffeine is something that I go to in order to get that buzz when I'm down. I feel the Lord wants me to give that up for a season. I am praying the Lord will grant me an increasing passion for time spent with Him.
*Looking to get started on your Spring Cleaning (in an organized fashion)? Check out this great website!
Monday, March 7, 2011
Monday, March 7
We all have moms in our lives who need encouragement--whether they are friends, coworkers, or spouses. Here are four things every mom needs:
1. Affirmation
2. Friends, and time away with friends
3. Organization
4. A creative outlet
Thursday, March 3, 2011
Thursday, March 3
It was back on this date in 1931 that the "Star Spangled Banner" was designated the National Anthem by Congress. Check out some inspiring thoughts about the mindset those who sing it should have while they perform...
LUNCH FOR A BUNCH: Congratulations to the staff at Big Brothers Big Sisters & Maryland Mentoring Partnership in Salisbury! Enjoy your lunch from Quiznos!
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
Tuesday, March 1
-What is your favorite daytrip in and around Delmarva? What is some place you can enjoy as a family (when the weather warms up) without spending a ton on gas and lodging? I'm collecting ideas for a future show as we look ahead to spring break getaways!
-One popular Bible teacher says we shouldn't be eager to cheer the uprisings in the Middle East. Find out why.
Monday, February 28, 2011
Monday, February 28
-When we think of food outlasting us, we usually think, "Wow, that's a lot of preservatives!" But seriously, there are some natural foods that have a great shelf life--like you could pass them on as an heirloom.
Here are a few: rice, pure vanilla, and sugar. Click here to find out which other foods can stay in the pantry indefinitely.
-Want to help your kids learn about American history from a Christian perspective? Check out this website!
Thursday, February 24, 2011
Thursday, February 24
LUNCH FOR A BUNCH: Congratulations to the staff at Wicomico Middle School in Salisbury! Enjoy your lunch from Mambo Italiano!
Click here for details on how you and your office could be the next to win!
Monday, February 21, 2011
Monday, February 21

On Friday's show, I mentioned that I would post before and after pictures from our kitchen remodeling project. Here they are!
We have finished the majority of the work, but we are still going to paint the kitchen sunflower yellow and replace the flooring. The countertops are granite and the cabinets are cherry. Our home is a former rental from the '80s and all the work that has been done on the home has been done since we purchased it.
Thursday, February 17, 2011
Thursday, February 17
LUNCH FOR A BUNCH: Congratulations to Heritage Breeders in Princess Anne, MD! Enjoy your lunch from Saladworks in Salisbury...
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Wednesday, February 16
If you eat on the run...
The fallout: Eating while on the go (driving, walking down the street, shopping) means you’re probably not paying much attention to what’s going into your mouth. Leslie Bonci, R.D., director of sports nutrition at the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center, says this “grab, gulp, and go mentality” can leave you dissatisfied and unsure of what you ate, and sometimes even give you an upset stomach.
The fix: Build time to eat into your day. “If you have to, schedule it on your BlackBerry, just like you do everything else,” says Krieger. When you have no option but to dine while dashing, be prepared. Stock your purse, glove compartment, or office drawer with a few healthy choices, such as low-fat granola bars, nuts and dried fruit, and single-serving packages of crackers. “Even fast-food restaurants are offering healthier, satisfying choices, like salads and wraps with crunchy vegetables and lean meats,” says Bonci. (courtesy of "Real Simple")
Challenge: Do a Google search of the term "fasting." Become educated on the subject, if you are not already, regarding the reasons to fast and precautions to take.... and if necessary, talk with your doctor. Then, ask the Lord whether He might have some type of fast for you to take on during the Lenten season.
Monday, February 14, 2011
Monday, February 14
Happy Valentine's Day!
-Share this video with your spouse to show them how thankful you are they are by your side! (I am always looking for Christian love songs and I think this one is great!)
-Sending flowers today? You can expect to spend $70-$80 dollars and this year's hot colors are pink, red and yellow roses.
Thursday, February 10, 2011
Thursday, February 10
LUNCH FOR A BUNCH: Congrats to the staff at the U.S. Post Office in Hebron, MD! Enjoy your lunch from Heroes Famous Grille in Salisbury!
(Have you entered your office in our contest? Learn more and complete the form here.)
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
Wednesday, February 9
So many people I talk with complain about how this winter has seemed to drag on and on. Is it getting you down? Check out these 10 mood boosters...
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
Tuesday, February 8
Can you be romantic without taking out a loan to get that "Mojo Box" from that major jewelry store chain? Yes! Check out these budget-friendly ideas...
Monday, February 7, 2011
Monday, February 7
Valentine's Day is supposed to be a reciprocal thing of couples buying things for one another... However, I've been advised against fuzzy teddy bears, flowers and "pretty" candy. What else is there?! So what do you buy HIM for Valentine's Day?
Teens say they admire Jesus and President Obama about the same. Who did you admire when you were growing up?
Friday, February 4, 2011
Friday, February 4
-Want to impress the crew with homemade spinach dip? Only have 30 minutes before the big Chili Cook-off? Have no fear! Here are 50 top Super Bowl Party recipes to get you ready.
-The Super Bowl not only attracts thousands of football fans, but also those involved in the horrific business of human trafficking. Read more about it here.
Thursday, February 3, 2011
Thursday, February 3
-For me, it was 1979 and snow up to the hood of our neighbor's car...What is your most vivid memory of a snowstorm when you were a kid? Post it here!
LUNCH FOR A BUNCH: Congratulations to the staff at It's a Family Thing Cleaning in Withams, VA!
Have you heard? We've revamped our "Lunch for a Bunch" contest and now partner with four new restaurants to bring you and your co-workers a free delicious lunch to enjoy. Learn more here!
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
Tuesday, February 1
We love Superbowl snacks while we watch the game, but what do the actual players like to eat?
Thursday, January 27, 2011
Thursday, January 27
Are you normal?
-4 out of 5 people sing in the car
-2/3 speed up at a yellow light
-45% of us consistently follow the speed limit (Yah, right!)
*Side note, I took an online quiz which just told me I am only 20% normal! Okay, that explains a lot! :)
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
Wednesday, January 26
Cheap date ideas talked about on the show:
-Take a walk or a hike when the weather allows
-Go to a free or inexpensive exhibit, concert or craft demonstration
-Enjoy a candlelight dinner for two after you put the kids to bed
Thursday, January 20, 2011
Thursday, January 20
Five ideas for living to 100:
*Eat orange juice (Vitamin C) and whole grain cereal for breakfast
*Apply the "10% rule"- increase your exercise, fiber intake and sleep by 10%, decrease your calories and fat by 10%
*Join a gym close to home
*Don't take more than the recommended dosages of vitamins
*Let go of always having to be right
For more, check these sites:
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
Wednesday, January 19
-Hosting a Valentine's Day party? You can still find 75-90% after-Christmas sales and you might discover just the right (red) paper goods that will work for your Valentine's Day get-together!
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
Tuesday, January 18
The show "Hannah Montana" has officially ended its run. Time will tell who Miley Cyrus really is (away from Disney).
As a mom of an 11-year-old daughter, my heart aches because there are so few young Christian female role models for her to look up to. Although we certainly do not want to idolize celebrities, it does bring a mom (and a daughter) hope when there are young ladies who value themselves enough to remain pure and modest--in spite of public pressure.
So the Jonas Brothers wear purity rings...but where are the celebrity ladies over 18 (or even 16!) who are strong enough to stand for purity?
Know of a good female Christian role model?
Monday, January 17, 2011
Monday, January 17
Here are a few ideas for living and eating healthy (on a budget!):
1. Go to the store in the late afternoon when meat and produce are being marked down.
2. Buy or borrow an exercise DVD instead of a gym membership. If you want home gym equipment, buy used (Craigslist or Classified Ads).
3. Think PE Class! Do those sit-ups and push-ups at home and walk or run outside when the weather cooperates.
4 Emphasize whole grains and beans in your diet, and use meat as an addition (not the main attraction).
Friday, January 14, 2011
Friday, January 14
If you have 15 minutes (or maybe you have half a day), here is a great place to get your home in a clean routine this year! This article gives you ideas on what you can accomplish within various lengths of time in cleaning each room in your house.
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